Friday 26 October 2012

Landscape concept

Environment Concept Art

This image was created by Andrey Maximov, otherwise known as Andead. I have chosen this image because of the mountainous landscape and mainly the dragons.

The sense of scale in this image is achieved fantastically through the use of the trees and birds. The de-saturation in the mountains adds distance to the image.

This is my first concept sketch for my landscape piece. I started using a hard opaque brush in CS6. I wanted to go with a WW2 meets fantasy setting which explains the tanks, searchlights and bomber aircraft.

In this image i decided to remove the searchlights, reduce the fort size and to add prominence to the mountains and hills. I also added an airfield, mountain path and reduced the size of the tank. The lights were sticking out to much and the mountains needed to be more obvious.

I experimented with scribbling, distance and shading in this image. I wanted the mountains to be bigger and more central along with more trees and hills. I also added a more average looking castle with a faint outline of a radio tower. The old technique of drawing was very artificial and the war vehicles weren't working.

This is my final image. I really like the reduction of the hills, mountains and the castle. The shading on the castle is good but could be done better, the same can be said about the large mountain and the hills. The tree is a nice detail.

I used the photo from a Youtube video from Maxofs2d as reference for my landscape.

The castle was used as reference for mine.

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