Tuesday 27 November 2012

Object sketch

Daniel Simon

This vehicle was designed for the Captain America film. I chose this image because of body work of the car  and the wheel covers on the back. I really like the 40's roadster style.

Credit Card Concepts

This is my first drawing. I have carried over the roadster design from the original image while extending the wheel arch down just above the front wheels.

In this one i have drawn a tail fin on the boot and extended the front of the car to add strength and length to the body.

Here i have improved the fin by increasing the curve,.making it more streamlined. I have added vents to add  the illusion of power and removed the sticking-out headlights and incorporated them into the hood, again, for aerodynamics.

For this sketch i have added a roof, doors and lights on the back and front. This is because a convertible was difficult to execute as the symmetry was off. I have used a Cadillac as reference for the body for its box shape.

I removed the compartment under the front wheel because it would be too low to the floor and evened the roof out as it was slanted in the previous image. I also made the wheel arch more pronounced and included a hood ornament for decoration.

In my final design i have finished off the wheel arch by curving it over the front wheel and changed the ornament to a hammer for decoration. I have also added some lines over the back wheels for a steel trim, adding defensive properties.

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