Tuesday 27 November 2012

Object sketch

Daniel Simon

This vehicle was designed for the Captain America film. I chose this image because of body work of the car  and the wheel covers on the back. I really like the 40's roadster style.

Credit Card Concepts

This is my first drawing. I have carried over the roadster design from the original image while extending the wheel arch down just above the front wheels.

In this one i have drawn a tail fin on the boot and extended the front of the car to add strength and length to the body.

Here i have improved the fin by increasing the curve,.making it more streamlined. I have added vents to add  the illusion of power and removed the sticking-out headlights and incorporated them into the hood, again, for aerodynamics.

For this sketch i have added a roof, doors and lights on the back and front. This is because a convertible was difficult to execute as the symmetry was off. I have used a Cadillac as reference for the body for its box shape.

I removed the compartment under the front wheel because it would be too low to the floor and evened the roof out as it was slanted in the previous image. I also made the wheel arch more pronounced and included a hood ornament for decoration.

In my final design i have finished off the wheel arch by curving it over the front wheel and changed the ornament to a hammer for decoration. I have also added some lines over the back wheels for a steel trim, adding defensive properties.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Character Concept Art

Andy Parks

I chose this image because of how the artist has blended the animals and the skin textures together. I also selected it because of the shading and formation of the muscles on the legs.

Below are some credit card concept sketches for my creature/character.

I wanted to get rid of the second head and to lower the body closer to the ground. I used a scribble technique while using a low opacity brush in CS6.

I decided to bulk-up the body and legs while adding prominence to the horns and snake. I felt that the legs and body needed to be bigger. I also felt the horns needed to be sharper.

I chose to get rid of the snake, smooth out the head, increase the size of  the chest and to draw more natural curves to the legs. I thought that the snake had to go due to my personal taste, the legs needed to look more real and the body needed more shape.

I decided to add a scorpion tail and a mane to my creature and elongate the head. I decided that a scorpion tail was a great alternative because it adds believability. I also experimented with adding a mane to it.

This is an image from halfway through my final piece due to the faint outline of my previous concept image.

This is my final piece. I am really pleased with the final result due to the shading on the scorpion tail and the body, i also like the detail on the mane and the facial features. I don't like the shading on the legs and the mane because of the blotchy detail.

This image was used as reference for the cat's tail.

I used the mane of this lion as a reference to my creature's.

This lion's legs were used as a reference for my creatures' legs.

Friday 26 October 2012

Landscape concept

Environment Concept Art

This image was created by Andrey Maximov, otherwise known as Andead. I have chosen this image because of the mountainous landscape and mainly the dragons.

The sense of scale in this image is achieved fantastically through the use of the trees and birds. The de-saturation in the mountains adds distance to the image.

This is my first concept sketch for my landscape piece. I started using a hard opaque brush in CS6. I wanted to go with a WW2 meets fantasy setting which explains the tanks, searchlights and bomber aircraft.

In this image i decided to remove the searchlights, reduce the fort size and to add prominence to the mountains and hills. I also added an airfield, mountain path and reduced the size of the tank. The lights were sticking out to much and the mountains needed to be more obvious.

I experimented with scribbling, distance and shading in this image. I wanted the mountains to be bigger and more central along with more trees and hills. I also added a more average looking castle with a faint outline of a radio tower. The old technique of drawing was very artificial and the war vehicles weren't working.

This is my final image. I really like the reduction of the hills, mountains and the castle. The shading on the castle is good but could be done better, the same can be said about the large mountain and the hills. The tree is a nice detail.

I used the photo from a Youtube video from Maxofs2d as reference for my landscape.

The castle was used as reference for mine.

Sunday 14 October 2012


Below are some practice sketches i drew in Photoshop.

 I sketched this hand using someone else's as a reference.

This is me having ago at re-creating a drawing of a man named Igor while upside-down

Using a photo as a reference this is my attempt at drawing Martin Clunes. The text is his name spelled backwards.
 This is a pure contour drawing. This involved me drawing a hand without looking at my drawing.

This is my attempt at drawing in the style of Ben Stahl.

Finally this is my go at drawing the other side of a face like a mirror.